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Workplace Technology and Communication Undergraduate Badge

Badge Image

A digital badge, or badge, is a record of achievement that recognizes a student's completion of a coherent and meaningful academic experience. GVSU offers both credit and non-credit bearing badges as digital credentials. Credit-bearing badges include anywhere from 0.5 to 15 academic credits and may include additional noncredit criteria. Credit-bearing badges are also posted to the academic transcript.

Visit the program website for more information.

Program Overview

This badge in Workplace Technology and Communication gives you much-needed workplace communication skills, such as designing effective business documents, recognizing ethical business communication issues, using statistical analysis tools for effective decision making, and creating effective data displays and visualization.

Why Earn This Badge at Grand Valley?

You will demonstrate the following abilities:

  • Compose business communications appropriate to specific audiences, purposes, and contexts.
  • Design effective business documents using commonly available office software.
  • Communicate effectively in emails, written reports, and oral presentations.
  • Recognize ethical issues related to business communication.
  • Build and utilize Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
  • Use statistical analysis tools for effective decision making.
  • Design data models using local decision-making functions.
  • Build sets by importing, cleansing, and organizing raw data.
  • Create effective data displays and visuals, using commonly available office software.

Career Insights

This tool shows an overview of potential career opportunities for this major. Actual salaries, employment opportunities, and job titles may change over time.


Admissions to complete a digital badge is open to both degree and nondegree seeking students. If you are not currently a Grand Valley student, start your application here.  

For current GVSU students:

  • Declare your badge via myBanner. Login to Banner Self-Service, click on Student, Student Records, Add a Certificate or Badge to your Program, Select the appropriate badge from the drop down list, and click Submit.
  • Speak with the appropriate badge coordinator to ensure criteria are being met. You will be able to track your progress toward the badge in myPath as well!
  • Once you are done with the requirements, apply to receive the badge via myBanner.
  • Once the completion of your badge has been verified, the badge will be posted to your student record and will be viewable on your transcript. In addition, your digital badge will be posted on

Location & Format

The badge can be completed fully online.



The digital badge is comprised of two (three credit) courses, a total of six credits:

  • CSI 231 - Problem Solving Using Spreadsheets*
  • WRT 350 - Business Communication**

*Prerequisite MTH 110, 115, 122, or 201

**Prerequisite of WRT 150

For More Information

Department of Writing

Christopher Toth, Department Chair
326 Lake Ontario Hall
(616) 331-3367

Admissions and Recruitment Office